Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Test Part 1. n 2

Who wrote it? peter

When was it written? circa 62-64AD

What is the setting? Rome

Who was it written to? the persewcuted Jewish Christians

What does 1 Peter 3:9 say? (Write out scripture) "Dont repay evil for evil. Dont retaiate with insults when people insult you. instead, pay them back with a blessing."

2 Peter:

Who wrote it? [peter]

When was it written?
circa 67AD
Who was it written to? all believers.

What is 2 Peter about (2 things)? -exhorting Christians to grow in faith.
                                                 - warning CHristains about false teachers.

What does 2 Peter 1:3 say? (Write out scripture) " By his divine power,God has given us everything we need for living a Godly life."

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