Thursday, September 17, 2009


Part 1
  • How is John so different from Matthew, Mark and Luke?
    •  It skips Jesus' parables and forgets most of his miracles.
  • What does “synoptic” mean?
    • It means viewing togther.
  • John writes with what “one purpose”?
    • To prove the diety of Jesus
  • What does John 3:16 say?
    • It says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life."
  • Who was Martin Luther?
    • A catholic priest who launched the protestant movement by arguing that we are saved by faith.
  • What’s the “Main Point” of John?
    • That Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God and that by believing in him you may have life.
  • When was it written?
    • Around AD 90 
Part 2
  • What does John 1:1 say?
    • "In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.
  • How does John get his point across to 2 different cultures (Greeks and Jews)?
    • He used words that would help both cultures conclude that Jesus was a divine being even though they reacted differently.
  • What does “Logos” mean in Greek?
    • The Word in reference to Jesus
  • Greek philosophers teach that “logos” means what?
    • The eternal force that drives everything
Part 3
  • What does John 3:3 say?
    • I tell you the truth unless you are born again you cannot see the kingdom of God.
  • Who was Nicodemus?
    • He was one of the most inflencial Jewish leaders in the country.he was biblical scholar and one of about seventy Jews on the Sanhederin.
  • Who are the Sanhedrin?
    • the council that made and inforced Jewish laws.
  • Turns water into wine = ?
    • duh Jesus is still the master of creation.
  • Heals crippled man on Sabbath =?
    • Jesus  isnt limited by time. Some Jewish scholars says its wrong to treat the sickon the sabbath unless the patient is dying.
  • Walks on water = ?
    • PETAH!! Jesus isnt limited by physics.
  • Heals a man born blind = ?
    • Jesus brings light into the world,both spirirtual and physical.
  • Raises Lazarus from the dead = ?
    • even death is no match for the Son of God. :)
Read page 358 “Where Was Jesus Buried” and answer the following questions:
Part 4
  • Tradition #1 states Jesus was buried where?
    • inside Hadrian 's temple.
  • What did Hadrian do?
    • Bulit Roman shrines over Christian Holy sites.
  • What did Constantine do?
    • legalized Christianity,demolshed Hadrian's temple,and built an early version of the CHURCH of the HOLY sepulchre.
  • What does the painting from the 1800s show?
    • A small chapel inside the church's rotunda.
  • This church is protected by what today?
    • the walls of Jerusalem
  • Tradition #2 states Jesus was buried where?
    • the garden tomb 
  • How far is it from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre?
    • several hundred yards
  • Who was General Charles Gordon?
    • picked the garden tomb as Jesus's burial site.
  • What does “Gologotha” mean and why is it significant?
    • place of the skull. its because thats where Jesus died.
  • After reading both traditions, where do you think Jesus is buried?
    • the garden tomb.

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